How often should you pump your septic tank?

Have your septic tank inspected and pumped regularly by a licensed septic tank contractor. We suggest getting your tank pumped every 3-5 years depending on the size of the home and the number of occupants. Pumping your septic tank is probably the single most important thing you can do to protect your system. If the buildup of solids in the tank becomes too high and solids move to the drain field, this could clog and strain the system to the point where a new drain field will be needed.

How Do I maintain my septic tank and drainfield?

Don’t use your toilet as a trash can or poison your system and the groundwater by pouring harmful chemicals and cleansers down the drain. Harsh chemicals can kill the bacteria that help purify your wastewater. Examples: coffee grounds, disposable diapers, sanitary napkins, cigarette butts, fats, grease or oil, paints, thinners, photographic solutions, antibiotics, dental floss, kitty litter, feminine products, paper towels, varnishes, waste oils and pesticides.

How long does a drainfield last?

The Drainfields that J.C Drainfield install last over 30 years if maintained correctly. We take pride in our work and all of our installations come with a 2-year warranty.

Will My Septic System Work Without Power?

If your power goes out, the first thing you should do is conserve water as much as possible, which means taking short showers, not doing laundry and not always flushing the toilet for liquid waste. Without electricity, effluent cannot be pumped into the drain field, and the tank will fill up.

Since we are in Swfl, we always recommend getting your tank pump before hurricane season approaches to prolong the use of your system in case of a power outage.

How do I know I need my Septic tank pumped?

•  Before hurricanes

 •  Before rainy season

 •  Before holidays and special events

 •  Gurgling sound coming from sinks or toilets

 •  There is sluggishness flushing

 •  Having backup issues

 •  Grass is growing faster above your tank

What happens if I don’t pump out my septic tank?

If you do not pump out your tank, you can have clogs in your line, you can damage your drain field, and your house can back up, causing sewage overflow issues. Proper maintenance saves you money.